Remote control devices run with the help of frequency. Each of the remote control devices has an operating range and when the car reaches outside this range, we can’t control it with the help of a remote. Generally, a remote control device has a range of 100 feet on average.
A remote control device such as a remote control car can be used for different purposes. There are some remote control cars in which the range is larger and their frequency is large. Having a large frequency helps the user to use it on a wide surface standing static at a place.
How To Increase The Operating Range Of A Remote Control Car?

Operating rage is one of the main things one needs to consider while buying a remote-controlled car. The more the operating range more it will be and the aim of the remote control device will accomplish. There are various types of techniques to increase the frequency of a remote control device like a remote control car. It is an important task to increase the operating range of a remote control device.
Not only it will increase the range but also save money from buying a control car with a large operating range. By following some of the steps we can increase the operating range of our remote control car. Some of the ways are mentioned below:
1. Changing the receiver:
It is the most effective way to increase the range of remote-control products. We just need to change the old receiver and fix the new one. To do this we will need some instruments, they are 1) a screwdriver 2) a driller 3) a Hot glue gun 4) double-sided tape 5) a new signal receiver.
At first, we need to unhook the screw of the previous receiver with the help of a screwdriver. Now, take the new receiver board and fix it on the blank place and tighten the screw with the help of a screwdriver. If the hook of the screw doesn’t match then make a screw hook with the help of a driller. Then make sure that it is connected with the motor, module, and battery like the previous one.
2. Replace The Handle Transmitter:
Changing a handle transmitter will allow your remote-controlled car to run further. There are a few things we need to consider while buying a handle transmitter. They are,
- The transmitter should be powerful enough to operate the car at a stable frequency.
- The power of the transmitter needs to be matched with the receiver.
- It is better to buy the transmitter and the receiver from the same place either online or at any other store.
While buying a handle transmitter it is a must to consider these above points. Otherwise, the motto of buying it would not be accomplished. Remember only proper co-operation between the transmitter and the receiver will allow increasing the operating range.
3. Checking The Antenna:
We need to check the antenna whether is tall enough to receive the frequencies from far away or not. If it does not receive the frequency from a far distance then we need to change the antenna. And bought a new one which is taller and can receive the frequency from a far distance. In this regard, we need to unscrew the previous antenna from the base of the receiver board. Then we need to fix the new tall antenna with the receiver board. It is better to use an antenna tube inside the antenna so that it can receive the frequency further clear.
Also Read: How To Make A Radio Control Car At Home
4. Maintain properly:
It is a must-duty to check the parts of the remote control car. Some of the things that are necessary to check are,
- Check the connection with the receiver board.
- Check the connection between the receiver board and the antenna.
- Tires should be well enough to have proper friction over any surface.
- The frequency of the handle transmitter and the receiver board needs to be the same.
If we maintain our remote control car properly and ensure the points that are mentioned above we can get a smart operating range.
What Is The Importance Of Increasing The Operating Range?
One of the main aims of a remote control device like a remote control car is to control it from a far distance. By increasing the operating range, we will be able to accomplish the aim of the remote control devices.
There are various importance of increasing the range of a control car. Some of them are mentioned below:
Sometimes some zones in the forest are risky for photographers to go and take pictures. In that case, they can use a camera remote control car with a large operating range. Thus, it helps to save lives and take rare pictures of wildlife. A large ranged operating car, not only the security of life but also helps in the field of investigations by the army, commando, police, etc.
Thus, it also helps to find the truth for a secure life. Not only this some time control cars are used in the field of cinemographs, videography, and many more. A largely ranged remote control car can help to a great extent in these fields. Thus, from the above discussion, we can say that a large operating range of a remote control car has great importance. So, one should be aware of the operating range while buying a remote-controlled car according to their need.
The operating range of a remote control car is a very important thing that one needs to consider while buying the product. Besides one can increase the operating range of a remote control car which has an average operating range. The steps that we have mentioned above show an easy and effective way to increase the operating range of a remote control car.